about me

“I think that being a soul in flesh is really challenging and we should all give ourselves more credit.”
-S. Kelley Harrell

Fernanda Odum

Spirits have always been part of my life. I was approximately 4 years old when my late uncle Victor started visiting me and took on the role of my Spirit Guide. I’ve been blessed to have grown up surrounded by many Beings of Light who have been instrumental to my life. Psychic abilities run through my family in many forms. My late grandmother Emma, who is also now one of my dearest Spirit Guides, frequently had vivid premonitions and practiced medicinal herbalism.

Though I’ve had these abilities as long as I can remember, it was in 2018 that I felt a push by Spirit to begin giving messages to others. It was one of the most difficult things I’ve ever done. I thought this part of myself would only be known by close family members; I had certainly planned to keep it so. The thought of revealing my spiritual connection mortified me because I feared the unfavorable, comedic, or even hostile reactions people sometimes have of those who claim to have psychic abilities, such as “scammers,” “crazies,” and “phonies.” The Spirits, however, had other plans for me.

Realizing my call, I began to share my abilities with others by offering free sessions while working full-time in the HR department of a Longview company. No matter how tired I was after work, I looked forward to sessions I’d booked late in the evenings. I found them fulfilling and a way of giving back. I realized that this is why I had this ability…to be of service. Thus, Sacred Terra was born in 2021. I continued offering sessions on the side, as I was still commuting to a full-time job. After reflection and seeking guidance, I came to the conclusion that I could not continue working what had essentially become two full-time jobs; it was not a healthy or sustainable lifestyle and left little time for me to give to my spouse, family, friends, and home. I wanted to be able to offer my services in a more open schedule, not limited to late evenings. I realized that it was time to take a leap of faith and pursue what I had been guided to and give my all to my calling, which I did in February of 2022. I’m thankful for the experience and opportunities my HR career gave me, but it was time to do what I know is my life’s purpose full-time.

2022 has been a year of amazing liberation and boldly stepping out into my truth.

I am a Reiki Master and currently offer both Medium and Reiki sessions, either in-person at my studio or distance via Zoom. I am getting involved with local events, with plans to host some of my own in the future. I consider myself an eternal student, currently studying Therapeutic Tarot; when I complete that coursework, I will be able to offer that service in the near future. I am always reading, studying, and connecting with the Divine to learn to be of assistance to others and simultaneously bettering myself.

I was born in Michoacan, Mexico and currently diving deeper into my Mexican ancestral teachings/practices. I now live in the middle of the Piney Woods of Avinger, Texas, where I have my studio that was built by my amazing husband. It is beautiful and peaceful, with all the elements needed for a place of healing, which I look forward to sharing with my clients.

I can’t wait to meet you!


Fernanda Odum.