
"Thank you for some of the best evidence in mediumship I've had, even from so-called well-known mediums, that session was so amazing. The level of detail...pretty amazing! Fernanda, you are an incredible medium! I highly recommend!!"
Joanne O.
London, United Kingdom
"If there were more stars I would give them! I don’t know that anyone has seen me ugly cry like this woman has now 😂 Highly recommend and I can’t wait for next time"
Kirstie O.
Longview, Texas USA
"Wow my first mediumship session with Fernanda and she nailed it! I wasn't expecting how precise she would be. She did an amazing job. It was emotional but a wonderful experience. I can't wait to do another one. We also did a Reiki session months later and it was truly an experience! Looking forward to my next one. Fernanda is so sweet, understanding and it's all confidential. I feel Fernanda will be in my life forever. Highly recommended!"
Tracy B
Ore City, Texas USA
"My first reading was nothing short of life changing. I chose the zoom option and her wonderful spirit connected right through the screen to me! She was able to bring such specific messages that I needed to hear and connected different perspectives that I had never thought of before. With the experience I had with her, I left with such a peace I didn't even know I needed. I highly recommend Fernanda and cannot wait to book another session.♥️"
Leah J.
Longview, Texas USA
"Fernanda is nothing short of amazing! She was able to pinpoint areas of interest and impactful areas that were helpful for me. She is also very ubeat and has a great sense of humor. I thorougly enjoyed our sessions. She is very gifted! "
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Springfield, Missouri USA
"Changed my life! She’s a beautiful soul and so welcoming. Her location is breath taking and her husband was so welcoming. A part of my soul has started healing. I honestly don’t have the words to even begin to describe my experience. She knew things about me and my life she had no way of knowing! I was intentionally vague when meeting her and she blew my mind. My intentions of the session were personal growth and to hear from two different women. This is just an example of what I mean when I say she had no way of knowing this specifically. I could go on and on. I highly recommend her and I can’t wait to make another appointment!"
Brittani F.
Hallsville, Texas US
"I wish I could shout from a mountain top how much I recommend Fernanda! We had our first session tonight and it really hit some emotional spots that I didn't know were there. I needed this! Her reading was accurate and made things "click" Cannot wait for our next session!!"
Nicole B,
Longview, Texas USA
"My mediumship session with Fernanda was such an amazing experience. I went into the session with a healthy dose of skepticism and I didn't know what to expect. I didn't share any information about myself and she didn't ask for any information. Despite not knowing anything about me, she relayed information from my spirit team and passed loved ones that were incredibly accurate and spot on. I believe so wholeheartedly in her gift and I already feel that my session with her changed the course of my life. I'm so thankful to have had this session and I will use her for any additional sessions in the future. I highly recommend her services!! "
Angela S.
Dallas, Texas USA
"A través de mis sesiones con la única y autentica Fernanda a quien recomiendo incondicionalmente, se ha creado una fe en la cual encuentro tranquilidad y paz en mi vida. Es una maravillosa e inigualable experiencia. "
Rafael P.
Morelia, Mexico
"Fernanda was amazing. She made me feel so comfortable during my mediumship session. I was met with a warm inviting smile and that made it easy to talk with her. She has an incredible gift and I'm so lucky she shared that with me. The information she was able to pass on will be something I will remember forever. I highly recommend her. "
Brittany L.
"The session was very nice. She gave a wonderful reading and great advice. I truly believe she has a gift. Thank you, Fernanda. "
Fufu M.
Avinger, Texas USA
"I definitely loved my session with Fernanda. I love her so much! it was a big emotional awakening and an amazing experience. She was so spot on with everything! I can't wait to do another session with her."
Whitney S.
Jefferson, Texas USA
"I had the pleasure of experiencing Fernanda’s Virtual Spiritual Life Path Reading recently.

Fernanda is a cheerful, vibrant and good mood reader who uses a combination of her particular talents to assist those who seek her guidance. In my reading, she definitely tapped into some of the key issues going on in my world at this time. She offered wise and valid guidance in a chatty and kind way. Fernanda is very open and uses her mediumship gifts to tap into energies of loved ones. She also uses Oracle Cards to assist her.

I enjoyed my reading and appreciate the time and energy she dedicated to it. Of course, no reading in itself is sufficient if we do not put the tips into action. I can verify that Fernanda touched on topics brought up by other readers over the past couple of years. Each reader has a different slant on how they express the messages they receive and this depends on many factors. Sometimes we need to sit with the information and see what evolves.
My tip is to write it down before you forget, take it serious and apply the tips if they resonate with you.
Book a call with Fernanda. I doubt you will regret it."
Barbara D.
Münster, Germany
"Lo primero que tengo que decir es que me encanta la idea de haber dado con una Medium bilingüe, si tienes dudas acerca de si ella habla español o Inglés en sus sesiones esta es una de las cosas que te encantará, porque ella es bilingüe, habla muy bien español e inglés.

Otra cosa de las que debes saber es que ella perfectamente puede conectar contigo a través de la distancia, yo no tenía idea pero se puede tener una sesión a través de zoom y a pesar de que me imagino que el feeling no es el mismo, ella se encarga de armonizar todo el espacio para poder estar concentrados como tal en un entorno donde sientes que solo tú quien tiene que estar recibiendo los mensajes y ella están presentes.
Otra de las cosas que debes de saber es que ella lleva toda una preparación desde un día antes, ella cuida y protege de cualquier mal el camino de comunicación que hay entre los guías o seres que se quieren comunicar contigo, por lo cual no debes tener miedo ante esto.

Debo de decir que disfruté muchísimo esta sesión, es un camino al autoconocimiento ya que a veces no somos capaces de ver mucho más allá de lo que estamos viviendo y este tipo de sesiones te hace abrir los ojos ante muchas situaciones en las cuales puedes actuar o tomar acción. Es una sesión con mucho amor y mucha intención, no me cabe duda de que Fernanda pone todo de su parte y toda su energía (porque me queda claro que es agotador tener toda la concentración para un momento que ella nos dedica) para que toda la información que ella te brinda pueda serte útil."
Karen, I.
Morelia, Mexico

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